_BBSƒ_ is the folder in which the BBS application is stored.
_Filesƒ_ is the folder in which the BBS files that Wrestling uses are stored
(LaunchRRH, launch.bbs, Switch). Except for Mansion systems, Filesƒ and BBSƒ are synonomous.
_Wrestlingƒ_ is the folder where all the Wrestling files are stored.
step-by-stumble instructions
1. in your BBSƒ, create a folder to be your Wrestlingƒ.
2. copy all the Wrestling files into this folder.
3. copy the Wrestling application into the BBSƒ.
4. create the appropriate links into your BBS to launch Wrestling
(RRH: cmd #50/51;
Mansion: cmd #20;
WWIV: put it in the chains file)
5. Launch Wrestling from the BBS. If it can’t be found (”This application is busy or damaged”), check your paths.
6. You will be greeted with an alert saying that the options file can’t be found. Click in the alert or hit return.
7. You should now have a nifty options dialog box in front. Click in the button to the right of the ”BBS Files path” edit text box (the top “Set it...” button). Open the Filesƒ and click “Select.”
8. Click the middle “Set it...” button for the Wrestling files path. Open the Wrestlingƒ and click select.
9. Click the last “Set it...” button. This is the application you will run on exit, and is where life can get messy. If you’re running...
Mansion or WWIV, this is the BBS application.
RRH, this can be one of three things: Pete Johnson’s TImport, Mike Leninger’s Import Engine, or Red Ryder Host. Wrestling requires that you import the matches using either Pete’s or Mike’s Tabby import utilities (both of which are free). TImport or Import Engine can either be in a Tabby event, or it can be run directly after Wrestling. On my own system, I run Pete’s TImport, as that will correctly relaunch Host when it is finished. I do know know if this is the same as Mike’s, but I do know Mike’s is faster, so feel free to investigate.
10. If you wish to have Wrestling create a Top10 listing (for a logon bulletin or something), click the “Create...” button and enter in the file you wish to create. If you’re using Mike Connick’s Today, I recommend that you have Wrestling create the “logonbul” file which Today will use.
11. If you intend to take part in a networked Wrestling game, enter your node number in the appropriate box, else leave it blank. This can be an AlterNet, FidoNet, or MacNet node number, just so long as Tabby knows you exist.
12. If you intend to take part in a networked Wrestling game, click the “Set flags...” button. Check the “Netmail” option and click “OK.”
13. Click the “Set amounts...” button. This is also a time where life gets messy. You’re only concerned with Message Section and Mail Section for now. NOTE: if you intend to network Wrestling, DON’T change any of the other defaults!
Message section is a board number where you want the matches to be set. This will be a public board, and either netmail or local (depending if you want to use networking or not). It can be anything you like, as long as you make sure that the BBS (and Tabby, if needed) are know what it is.
Mail section is where private, refusal messages are sent. For...
RRH, this will either be your local E-Mail section or your netmail section.
WWIV it is pretty much the same, although I am unsure as to the specifics. Consult the manual in hooking up Tabby to use this (I suspect you can just put a number in for your E-Mail section, but you might need to set up a netmail section and use that.
Mansion, you’re hosed. Consult the Mansion docs for setting a NetMail section, and if that gets a board number, use that. If one isn’t needed, leave it blank.
Note: if you’re using Tabby and networking Wrestling, you should enter the same number in mail section as you have for UNKNOWN in Echomail Areas.
Once you’ve got the message and mail sections all set, click “OK” and once more click “OK.” This will save the options, and you can now initialize your guy.
14. If you’re networking Wrestling, enter Tabby Maint and create a new mail section called MACHULK with a cat# being the same # you entered for message section. Be sure to set who you’re getting from & passing it on to as well.
15. If you’re not using Tabby, you need to create a text file called ”Generic” in your BBSƒ. Generic is a one-line text file which is the absolute path to your Wrestlingƒ (Tabby users will have it to there Generic folder, but if you aren’t using Tabby, there’s no use in making another folder for two extra files).
You should now be set for Wrestling. If you have any problems, try to figure out what happened. I suspect that the biggest problems will be related to getting matches into the BBS. Just remember that Wrestling saves the matches to a file called Generic Import (and Generic Export, if Tabby networking is being used), which is in the folder pointed to the absolute pathname contained in “Generic” which is a one-line text file in the BBSƒ. Somewhere along the line you need to run an import utility into your BBS to get it to work, so if you aren’t running Tabby, you will need to run WWIV/Tabby or a RRH import engine (Mansion users can forget about import utilities as it’s built in). If you still have problems, feel free to give me a call anywhere at anytime, either on modem or via college networks or whatever, as I’m always happy to answer questions.
...and we thank you for your support, and hope that you find this document a little less confusing than columns in MS Word 3.0.